Follower of Hieronymus Bosch and his "Garden of Earthly Delights".

Several years ago, after restoration, the work "The Garden of Earthly Delights" by a follower of Hieronymus Bosch was presented at the Menshikov Palace in St. Petersburg.
The painting entered the Hermitage in 1922 from the collection of the artist and antiquarian Robert Auer (Prokhor Prokopiev).
At first glance at the picture, it seems that it is no different from the work of the great mystifier. However, the longer we look at it, the more differences we find. As we know, the original by Bosch is a triptych, but here there is only a central part, and there are no side panels. Moreover, the "domestic" copy is more miniature in format than the work from the Prado in Madrid.
During the restoration process, a thorough examination of the paint layer was carried out and a dendrochronological analysis. In the course of these studies, scientists concluded that the painting was painted in the Netherlands in 1556-1568, but the author's name remains a mystery.
This work should not be considered a fake; it is the author's vision of the Garden of Earthly Delights.
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